PySceneDetect in Literature

PySceneDetect is a useful tool for statistical analysis of video. Below are links to various research articles/papers which have either used PySceneDetect as a part of their analysis, or propose more accurate detection algorithms using the current implementation as a comparison.

This list is only provided for academic and research purposes, and is far from an exhaustive source of the uses of PySceneDetect in literature. If you think a particular submission is relevant and should be added to this list, feel free to raise an issue with your suggestion. Publicly available material is preferred, although not a requirement.

Scene Detection Methodology

You can find the source code for each scene detector in the scenedetect/detectors folder. Also see Issue #62: Reference of paper for the methods used on Github for a further discussion on detection methodologies. You are more than welcome to propose any new ideas on the issue tracker, or share a proof of concept using the Python API by creating a pull request.